Saturday, April 11, 2009

jesus touched me (literally)

i feel like typing over here
haha kidding maybe i'll type over here
kidding i couldnt do that

so today started as usually

oh but i watched psych! I have dubbed it my favorite show anyway.

i went shopping for soccer stuff with my dad but thats not exciting at all.
so i am just going to start by taking about my day after 4 o'clock

the following story is not me making fun of people only observing. i know it sounds kind of mean. but i am sure if i got to know these people i would enjoy their presents.

So today I got to see the sweet person i was named after! Her name is Sara Ball Abbruzzese and she was my moms bestfriend in highschool. Shes half deaf, i think this is the coolest part =]]. My mom found her on facebook and they dicided we needed to get together. They agreed that it would be fun to go to the church play that her husband was in, it was today. Me and John, my stepfather, felt very out of place and had nothing to do while my mom chatted away. I decided I would analyze the people I saw that were around me. It all began before we even got out of the car, there were skaters, if you know me you know my feeling on skaters *their hot* and i see this young man and he is wearing purple, yes purple, pants. The purple pants were not the problem it was the shirt that was partnered with the purple skinnys. He chose to complete this ensemble with green chucks (also fine) and a loose big shirt/dress! I was so angry! After my moment of anger towards this young man, I finally left my vehicle to enter the church and the group of skaters seem to be occupying stairs next to the entrance. Of course the hormonal boys had to try to impress me by doing oh so cool skateboard moves. The one with the skateboard continued to fail at this for many a minute.
When i enter the building the first thing i see is Stinky Face Girl. This is very similar to the character in the movie Juno, you know who I am talking about, only younger. She was about 7 and just starred at me with this evil look of pure hate. Then I see Crazy Outfit Girl, be perpared, this is 100% pure example of the teen girl trying to find her style. From toe to head: Black high top chucks with some kind of print shoelaces, black and white thighhighs with pink buttons, black pleated skirt, white(?) shirt, and edward scissorhands sweatshirt,completed with a full head of very curly black hair. It reminded me of myself back in my 6-7th grade years. *sigh* Then I take my seat, I look around and both SFG and COG are sitting in my viewing range, SFG is starring at me with a still evil look. To me this was just freaky. To keep my mind of the little girl starring at me with daggers, a look around at others in the church, and of course i see, Classic Half Ponytail Half Shaved Man, another interesting character. I began to like the churchs diveristy at this point it reminded me of my own church.
Then the service begins. A Song is sung and a nice looking older man comes out to the middle of the stage, he appears to be the paster, he starts talking about stuff. He does not catch my attention until he says restroom. He begins to talk about how the bathrooms are to the east. This scares me and I begin to panic. East! What is that supposed to mean?? Are they outside and we have to locate them using compass? Why East? Why not just say Left??? why why? After i get over my rampage I notice that the performance has begun and jesus and several of this is followers are walking around the church. No big deal. Until the lord himself comes down my aisle! I hold my breath as he starts down my aisle, i'm sitting on the end, hoping he does not draw attention to me. But of course he most touch my shoulder! I freak out! What am i supposed to do? All these people are looking at me! Do i just wave back with a casual " hey there JD!" But he passes by before i have to do anything.
The rest of the show goes on. It was a very good play and i enjoyed it very much, but the fun only begins when we leave. So my stepdad wants to go to this sub place but we go there and find it is 1) surrounded by asian people, not that i dont like them it was meant to be funny, 2) it is closed. John was very upset about this. So instead of pulling into a different fastfood place he just mopes. So we go on the highway and begin to drive. I thought we are just heading home, i was upset and very hunger. So we are driving and John pulls off to an exit and pulls into to this Quality Dairy. I for one have never heard of such a thing, so iam just like whatever. It turns out to be a Gas station/ice place. When I go inside i see nothing but old people and this one weird pedophile kind of looking guy eating ice cream. First thing i think, this place is weird. So after john decides he wants a BOMB this weird massive frozen burrito for snack when we get home, he decides we are going to go to one of the fast food place, but we go to this weird place that was called Rallys , was improper grammar and everything, with good food

i have to end there for elizabeth but yes there was more

my computer is going to die so here it is half done and not edited//
love you=]


elizabeth. said...

well that was very long, i can see why it took you forever.

but i really hope theres more! is there a point?

saraisafreak said...

there is no point.

i though it was very funny!

elizabeth. said...

coool i enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

i loved that!!

It made me laugh a lot

You remember details very well, that's quite impressive :)

(this is Laine but it says anonymous cus i didn't want to sign in)